„Waste is material without identity” debate


The construction industry generates over 1.0 billion tons of solid waste annually on a global scale. In addition, the sector is directly and indirectly responsible for the emission of significant quantities of greenhouse gases - respectively, 5% of total CO2 emissions in the European Union take place during construction and production of building materials, and 35% of emissions occur during the use of buildings.

These numbers confirm that the linear economic model used in the construction industry must be replaced with a circular model, where materials and products will be used to the maximum, and the amount of waste will be reduced.

And that is why INNOWO took the initiative to organize debates dedicated to sustainable construction. On October 24, as part of the Circular Week, the first meeting of the cycle "Closed Circulation Construction in Practice" was held under the title "Waste is material without identity". Representatives of producers of building materials, developers, architects and associations related to the construction market in Poland took part in it.

Dr Agnieszka Sznyk, the president of INNOWO - the organizer of the event, at the outset stressed the importance of implementing circular construction for our economy and the natural environment - "The construction sector in the European Union is responsible for half of energy consumption and material extraction. It is necessary to change this state of affairs. Circular economy is a concept that can significantly contribute to more productive use of materials in the construction sector and at the same time reduce its negative impact on the natural environment. "

The main part of the meeting was the presentation of Rob Oomena from the Madaster Foundation, which deals with the creation and service of the so-called material passports.